We left The Brasada Ranch Sunday morning and made our way to Crater Lake in Oregon. See the snow in the foreground! Apparently, it was snowing and freezing rain the day before. The color of the water is a really deep blue, and there are no streams that feed the lake. The water level is kept in balance by evaporation and rain/snowfall. It was awesome!
After Crater Lake we headed south towards California. This was the view of Mt Shasta through our front windshield. It is mesmerizing how beautiful the volcanic Cascade Mountains are. There will be nothing on the horizon, then you round a corner, and this is what you see.
Sunday evening and Monday morning was spent visiting with family. We don't get to see them often, so it was a real treat that was over all too soon. By 2pm, DH and I were on the road again. This time heading east on Route 80 across California, through Reno, Nevada, and on to Elko, NV. We had planned to stop there for the night. But there was some sort of motorcross event occuring and no rooms were to be had. (A fellow traveler search for over an hour to try to find a room.) So, on we went another 50 miles to the east. Would the Super 8 in Wells have a room? It was 10pm (1 am Eastern time) and this quilter was getting grumpy! DH came out with room key in hand. Yeah! We grabbed our belongings, headed up to the room, and now it's time to sleep.
Til next time,