When I was a little girl, I dreamed of living in Maine. I am not sure why. As I had never been there, or even seen pictures. I just new it was as far north as I could go and still be in the United States (Alaska didn't count). And, Maine had snow. I loved snow. Forty some odd years later, my dream came true. DH, the boys, and I moved to a log cabin in the foothills of the western Maine mountains. During our first winter here, we had over 10 feet of snow. It was beautiful. I tried snow shoeing for the first time, and what fun we had. It was also when I joined my first quilt group, kindred spirits who shared a passion for fabric and all things that could be made with it.
Then, spring came. The trees leafed out with fresh new shades of green, the flowers bloomed, and the birds sang. The hummingbirds would zoom in so close, it was amazing. Before moving here, I had never heard the sound of a hummingbird. I continued quilting, meeting new friends, improving my skills, and being thankful each day for family, friends and dreams that come true.
Now, five years later, it is autumn in Maine. Leaves of red, yellow, and orange mix with greens that are reflected by the still waters of Crowell Pond. There is a crispness in the air that brings a smile to my face. It is time to bring out the quilts.
Til next time,