This was my quilting space two years ago. The bookcase was overflowing with non-quilt related books. The sideboard on which the TV sits was storing non-quilt stuff. My cutting station at this time was against the back wall with too many plastic bins underneath, and the sewing machine and serger were next to the window. I felt cluttered and it was cluttered.
Next, it was off to Home Depot for some wall cabinets. When floor space is a premium, you go up the walls. Of course I measured twice, the space was 90 inches. Three 30 inch wide cabinets would fit perfect, NOT! When DH went to install the last cabinet on the left, it was 1/4 inch too wide! No problem, "The wall covering is 1/4 inch thick, we'll just cut a hole in the wall," I told him. After a little convincing, a little drilling, a little sawing, the cabinets slid (well it had to be pushed) in to place. Add some bathtub caulk to fill the little gap between the wall and cabinet, paint with gloss white paint, and I now have beautiful storage. Now, this is would not be my usual remedy, but in this case, it is the basement and it is MY quilting studio. The small gap at the top of the cabinets is perfect for storing extra rulers that are longer than 15 inches, shorter ones would disappear, never to be found again :(
I thought a base kitchen cabinet in the middle of the room would make a good cutting station. I was half right, being able to get to three sides was great. Sticking out into the room was not. I just don't have enough room for such a big piece of furniture. So, off it went to become a new linen cabinet in the upstairs bathroom. To take its place, DH brought in the antique metal top table that his grandfather built in the late forties from a kit. Apparently, furniture builders could get pre-cut kits just like us quilters.
See the brick hearth. It juts out into the middle of the room, taking up 6 square feet. My solution was to removed the back legs and replaced them with some shorter 4 x 4's. What was wasted space, is now my new cutting station with room for the serger trolley underneath.
This completes Phase 2. Next up, Phase 3 'The Laundry/Fabric Room.'
Til next time,