The weather finally cooperated and I was able to photograph two of the larger bed quilts that I finished this winter. The first is Cassiopeia. It is an original pattern gone awry. Made mainly from 3-1/2" squares and half square triangles. I had all the rows sewn together before I realized that I had flipped the third row down. I debated for a few days whether or not to un-sew it. The "W" formed by the two gold and three green stars reminded me of the constellation Cassiopeia. So, I finally decided to leave it as is and call it a design element. This quilt was made for DH's cousin Jennifer.
The second quilt is Jamestown Landing from a workshop I took with Bonnie Hunter in May 2013. The pattern can be found in her book String Fling. I chose purples instead of blues as this quilt was made for Elizabeth, the daughter of our dear friends. I really like how string piecing the neutral blocks makes the quilt dance. Not to mention that it is a great way to use up those fabric scraps.
Til next time,