I was invited to a quilting retreat at the Star Barn the first weekend in October. Never before had I been to a retreat. So, this would be a new adventure. Fortunately, I was going with Carol, an experienced quilt retreater. My trolley was still packed from the Ohio trip. All that needed to be done was the laundry, and I would be ready to go & sew.
We arrived Friday afternoon. Anne helped us unload, as quilters never travel lightly. Then we were introduced to Ginie Robie, the proprietor and hostess of the Star Barn. This is the two story entryway. Notice the "wood" stove right next to the door. It is gas fired and provides a nice warmth as you enter the barn.
As we climbed the stairs to our room, we saw this delightful arrangement. There were photos and ribbons on display. And the tapestry chair reminded me of my grandmother's house.
To the right, as we went up the stairs, was a little gift "shop". There was a variety of items made in Maine for sale. See those chairs, we had two just like them that DH's grandfather made. Unfortunately, after much use, they did not survive the move to Maine.
Left of the stairs was our room. Each room at the Star Barn has a theme, ours was Blueberries. There were books and pictures about blueberries. The quilts covering the beds were blue and white log cabins. And look, a "wood" stove in our room.
Actually, every bedroom has a private bath and gas fired "wood" stove. This was another very nice touch, a water carafe and glasses on a cake stand and more books with a blueberry theme.
As part of our retreat, Ginie provided our meals. The menu was mainly vegetarian which I like. On Friday, we had a potato & kale soup which was yummy. This is the dining room. At each meal the table would be set differently.
On Sunday morning, we woke to find snow on the ground. This was October 14th! Visions of things to come. After a delicious breakfast, Carol and I packed up to head home.
Because the best bed and breakfast of all is HOME.
Til next time,