"Jamestown Landing" is a large bed quilt that requires 840 half square triangles(HST). Now, that's a lot of triangles! I began cutting them two weeks before the workshop. Wanting to be as scrappy as my supply would allow, I dug through every bin, box, bag, and drawer of fabric I own. Unfortunately, the variety of purples I desired were not in great supply. So, off to Pins & Needles to buy some more. These zip top bags nicely hold 100 HSTs. I was all set to sew, both at the workshop and when I would travel with DH on a work assignment to Ohio this week.
At workshops, I rarely produce a finished product. My purpose is to learn new techniques, visit with old and new friends, and maybe, just maybe, complete one of each type of block. Well, two out of three isn't bad. Sewing together enough HSTs to make one star block, I managed to sew them together wrong! I figured out the problem, made a note, and un-sewed the block. At least I would have plenty to do in Ohio.
These are some of the 688 HSTs I sewed on Monday. It would have taken me a week to do at home, but in a hotel while hubby was working, I was in a zone. There are 60 different purple fabrics. Good variety.
With dog ears trimmed and seams pressed open, I grouped according to purple fabric, and into snack bags the HSTs went. Pulling one of each different fabric. My fear is to get to the last block only to discover I am left with several of the same fabric. This way I can assure variety as I go. It is a slow process, but I have 31 broken dishes blocks completed, 179 more to go.
Til next time,
How fun! I found your blog by accident when I was searching for Bonnie's seam guide instructions but I guess we have some things in common...all things Bonnie and I'm in the middle of a Jamestown Landing, too! I have all the blocks done and part of the top assembled. Then I can hardly wait to start that pieced border. If only there weren't all those distractions in my life like working and cooking and cleaning...lol! Beth @ Words & Stitches, pbstrand@msn.com